
Payment Source

There are two types of payment sources Cash Source You can add cash source only one time. In this source you can add opening cash date and amount. You can add multiple bank in this Bank source.


In this module you have to add income and expense categories. Income category like Loan Interest, Sales payment etc. Expense category like Light Bill, Government tax etc. You can modify or delete categories.


Rojmel is a daily transaction book where business owner can see cash, bank, suppliers and customers transactions. Daily expenses also included in Rojmel.

Bank Account

In this module you can manage your bank credits and debits. When you click on bank account from drawer you have to shows list of banks you have added earlier. Also every bank has total credit and total debit, you can see in bank list.


Sales is a book where user can maintain transaction of sales. In this module you can manage your customer’s credits and debits. When you click on sales from drawer you will see list of customers you have added earlier.


Purchase is a buying transaction from suppliers where you can maintain transaction of suppliers. In this module you can manage your supplier’s credits and debits. When you click on Purchase from drawer you will see list of suppliers you have added earlier.

Company Partner Account

Here you can manage your company partner account transactions. You can add new company partner to click on “+ Add Partner”. Add partner with use of partner name and partner mobile number.


You can see multiple types of reports :
1. Sales 2. Purchase
3. Customer Outstanding
4. Supplier Outstanding
5. Receipt 6. Payments

Multiple User

There are two types of user creation. Only view & Modify. You can add new user to click on “+ Add User”. Add user with use of user name, user mobile number and permission of view only or modify.

Comprehensive Features

  • Payment Source
  • Rojmel
  • Category
  • Bank Account
  • Sales
  • Purchase
  • Company Partner
  • Report
  • Add User
  • Personal Rojmel


Daily Rojmel is a daily transaction book where business owner can maintain cash, bank, vendor and client's transaction.Daily expenses also included in Rojmel.

Daily Rojmel is a book where we can maintain transaction of customers. In this module you can handle your customer’s credits and debits. When you click on Khatavahi from drawer you have to shows list of customers you have added earlier. Also every customer has total credit and total debit, you can see in customer list.

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Rojmel Application users are our pride!

Simple to maintain Rojmel.
Nilesh Patel - Business Owner
Good application to maintain daily transactions with reminder notifications.
Rasik Pansuriya- Business Owner

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